Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Twilight Series

So I finally managed to finish reading and/or listening to the Twilight series, and must say I'm content with the ending. A happy ending for practically everyone important to the main character *shrug* how can I complain about that?

It's not something I'd want to read again though. Once was enough, thank you very much. But I'm quite thankful I read it coz it was really a no-brainer to read. No offense, but I quite agree with Stephen King, I've read better fanfiction and unpublished original work on FictionPress that are written light years better than Twilight. But then I don't think the Twilight series is something anyone should take seriously. And I guess that's the secret to enjoying the entire series... try to suspend all your pre-conceived notions of practically everything, try not to die from complications of diabetes from all the gooey-mushy-corny stuff whenever Bella so much as thinks about how perfect Edward is, and just enjoy it for what it is: a story.

Must admit though that it's mostly because of Jacob Black that I even continued reading. I'm not a big fan of Edward Cullen. Sorry. He's alright. But he just doesn't get me laughing like Jacob does. And I absolutely loved the Jacob POV chapters in Breaking Dawn. Never mind how serious the plot was, I just liked the interactions between the wolves. *shrug* I like dogs. Go figure.

Well that's done. Am now moving on to the other books on my reading list for this year.


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