Saturday, October 09, 2004

I wonder how many noticed that while they were burying Lola Oding, a few meters away was a birthday party for a young girl of maybe 5 years old. Isn’t that neat? It’s such a poignant reminder that though one life ends, another still continues and probably others more have just begun somewhere else in the world.

I particularly liked Father Larry’s sermon. That Lola seemed such a simple woman, a quiet lady who came to mass every day, sitting at a corner usually alone, unassuming in her ways… but then seeing all the people who came to her funeral (and there were a LOT, filled almost all the seats of the cathedral!!!) just showed how wonderful she was while she was alive.

I want my funeral to be like that! Of course I don’t wanna die yet. Am just wishing that when I die people would miss me like they obviously miss and love Lola Oding.

And I cried. I don’t even remember crying at Lola Caring’s funeral. Maybe I was too young? Dunno. I cried while Father Larry was talking. Di ako humagulgol ha! Just shed a tear or two coz I remember talking to Lola Oding about what I wanted to do with my life. I remember clearly that the last time we talked, she was telling me that I shouldn’t not want to have a family of my own. Coz I told her that I had no plans of marrying, and she reacted with a kind laugh but then proceeded to tell me that it would be nicer if I had a family of my own.

Now I understand why she told me that… why she wanted to see me married off and with my own kids… coz she had such a happy family life, such a wonderful life with her children. Gawds, she had nine! Nine!!! So many to care for, and so many who loves her back as much as she loved them.

I envy her that. I realized, during the funeral mass, that if my mom and dad are dead by the time it was my turn to die and if I didn’t have my own family, no one would mourn for me. Well maybe some would… but I wouldn’t have any family, of my own blood, no siblings, no children… and that would be so very sad, I think.

Not that this realization makes me suddenly want to grab some guy’s hand and drag him down to the altar or whatever… no. I don’t want that.

Whatever comes will come. I’ll accept whatever fate and God has in store for me.


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