Thursday, December 09, 2004

How hard should writing a letter be?! Dammit. I know I shouldn't have left doing this at the last minute, it's just that I didn't have time to do it yesterday nor the day before. So why am I writing in my blog instead of that darned letter? Just to let off steam. And let people know I'm still alive. I have a BUSY day ahead of me, nevermind that some parts of it would exceed my inaneness-and-therefore-will-bore-me-out-of-my-wits meter (i.e. parade). It's my bloody responsibility to bleeding be there and help out coz my classmates voted me into this job. But it's entirely my fault I need to cover the seminar; I was the one after all who joined that bleeding-still-not-yet-published-first-issue of a school newspaper coz the bloody bitch of a dean is just too temperamentally srewish to listen to reason and practicality.

I'm ranting. I'm totally pissed off. I went to sleep okay (since I was writing Rushkin's flavor fic) then woke up pissed off. Go figure.

Gah... I need to be at the Cathedral by 6am sharp, else makakaltas ang oh-soooo-important attitude grade ko *grumbles*


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