Monday, May 21, 2007


Errr... watched these last Friday with mom coz there was an NPC brownout from 7am to 7pm here in Apalit that drove us to the mall to escape the heat at home; but I kinda plumb forgot to blog about them heheh ^^0

Shrek 3

Mom slept through the first half. It was boring, she said and she was dead on correct. The jokes just weren't funny enough and were too predictable. Had a teary moment when Arthur did that monologue about living well despite what people call you and all, but as far as emotions go that was all there was to it. There were a few 'awww' moments, with Pus doing that thing with his eyes (that I keep imagining Antonio Banderas actually trying to do while dubbing), but really it was rather formula-ic and unoriginal. So Shrek had a problem about becoming a father, big deal. What newly married man wouldn't? He had a thing about becoming the next king, jeez... who wouldn't?! They should end it with this movie, quit making full-length films and just do episodic daily animations for tv or something if the producers wanna keep at making more Shrek stories. I mean, just about every one in the film had found their happily ever after (except Charming), so I hope they end it with that.

Pan's Labyrinth (El laberinto del fauno)

Horrible. Wonderful. Terrifying. Beautiful. Mom didn't want to watch this coz she thought it was another children's fairy tale story (she ended up not liking Shrek 3 though she was the one who insisted we watch it in the first place since she liked the trailer ^^0) and it was, but Pan's Labyrinth was so much more than just a fairy tale. I need not expound on it since it is an award-winning film and one of the best films in 2006. Why it was just shown now at our local theater is beyond me. Oh wait, maybe it's coz it's subtitled. I could count the number of people inside the theater with us on one hand. There were just so few. Most of them were watching Shrek 3 or Spider-man 3. *sigh* A guy at the back was snoring and a couple sitting at the other side of the snoring idiot were necking. Hay nako... how come some people don't realize how good a story actually is just coz it's not in a language they understood? The subtitled are there, but no... no one wants to read. Even my mom, at first, was dismayed when she saw that it was subbed. I was curiously delighted. I like hearing languages I'm not too familiar with. Helps me learn new vocabulary ^_^

Spider-man 3

Okay, we didn't exactly watch it on the same day but i haven't said my piece about it yet so here goes... Peter Parker was a jerk the entire movie. Hahahah!!! Okay. That said, whoever heard of NYC 'loving' Spider-man?! Oh wait, I remember ranting about this to Guidz so better not repeat myself. Kinda sad though that they killed off Harry. Wonder if there'll be a 4th installment? Hope not.

Anyways, I browsed's list of "Comix Worst to Best: Countdown to the Best Reviewed Comic Book Movie of All-Time" and realized I watched 45 of the 94 movies in their list. Hmmm... just 45 huh? Although that's a lot.


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