Monday, April 21, 2008

Just some quizzes

What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.

Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.

You are often the first to try something new.

You are down to earth and lovable.

A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.

In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love being by yourself and thinking. Developing your own theories and ideas is fun.

You feel lost when you're forced to be social. Being with other people can be lonely for you.

My Personality
Openness to Experience
You very rarely feel depressed and are usually in a good frame of mind, however you are not generally self conscious about yourself. You tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. You often need privacy and time for yourself. You prefer familiar routines and for things to stay the same. You can tend to feel uncomfortable with change. You are tenderhearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however you believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself. You are not an overly cautious person. You will think about alternatives and consequences but make up your mind fairly quickly.

Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.

The best Buying Pet Gifts.

Hmmm... these are pretty consistent with how I see myself... well, parts of them anyways.


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