Wednesday, May 21, 2008

About A-kun

We’re not close, this guy who I’ll call A-kun here in the blog. I can count in one hand the number of times we’ve talked in the four years I’ve been acquainted with him. He’d been a classmate once, a very long time ago and never again. He’s a close friend of a friend and classmate/RLE groupmate of mine so we usually encounter each other when I’m hanging out with that friend of mine. But like I said, A-kun and I are not close. I’ve always been curious about him though. Because of a lot of small reasons like:

I’m not too sure but I think he lied to me about his age. When we talked a long time ago he asked me how old I was and I told him and he answered back that he was only a year older than me. Since I didn’t have any reason not to believe him, I just accepted what he said. Years later, friends told me he’s at least 5 years older than me… and I couldn’t help but wonder why he lied about his age.

Day 1 of the board exam I saw him looking worried when we got back to the hotel where our batch was staying for the duration of the final coaching and exam period. Heck everyone was anxious in one way or another about how they answered the first part of the board, but somehow he looked more apprehensive than anybody else. And there I was just waiting for the elevator to come when he saw me looking at him and he approached me of all the people gathered there who were closer to him and whom he knew better than he did me. Then he proceeded to tell me that he made a huge blunder with his exam coz he ran out of time and wasn’t able to properly transfer his answers to the answer sheet provided. I tried to reassure him but he just continued to look upset until the elevator came and we both boarded it and since his floor was the 16th while mine was the 23rd he had to leave first. I just patted his back (I was really at a loss about what to say) and he left me with a forced smile on his face and I never got a chance to talk to him again after that. Well, until recently when he came to the hospital I was working at to apply. He was right, he didn’t pass the June board so he had to retake the exam and fortunately passed the December one last year.

He works at my ward now but we are not on the same shift. It find it kinda curious that when he sometimes comes in early or if by the end of the shift a patient’s SO still goes to me and asks me to do or check something for their patient he follows me and watches. He’s still not as chatty towards me as before and only talks to me about work-related stuff, but when we’re both at the ward lagi siyang nakabuntot. And he watches while I work, granted he’s new and still not that well-oriented with the work in the ward so it’s not like I feel weirded out or anything… just that I end up becoming conscious about whatever it is I am doing at that particular moment. I kinda dislike having an observer! Or maybe I’m just being overly conscious? Sometimes I ask myself whether I actually like him and just haven’t realized it or something to that sense. But then, aside from feeling slightly nervous because I’m being watched, I don’t feel anything else when I’m with him. I just don’t know. Maybe I’m just over-analyzing things.


At Fri May 23, 03:40:00 PM 2008, Blogger ana said...

oy, be careful there. it's one thing to be overly conscious of the attention one gets from someone -- heck for all we know, you could like him and haven't yet realized it -- but there's something to be said for being careful and listening to your instincts. a female officemate of mine got harassed by a male officemate one time coz she didn't listen to her instincts and he's just an ass.

be careful.


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