Saturday, March 20, 2004

How odd that we always want what others have and never are satisfied with what we have. Maybe we behave this way because we see these people so happy while we can only see the loneliness that envelopes our own lives so that we end up thinking that if we had what they had our own lives would turn out for the better.

And sometimes I wish I could turn back time. Turn back the clock to the time I was presented that one chance that I missed all because I felt too scared to grab for it. But I can’t. And that saddens me.

But I’ve realized that I wouldn’t be the person I am now if I took that chance. I may not like the me that I am now, but I’m working on liking myself more and more. And someday, I hope when I’m ready for it, that chance will present itself again and this time I will, with all my soul, take hold of it and let it enter my heart.


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