Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I had a dream about our former house, but in the dream it was a two-story instead of a bungalow, I had two brothers and one younger sister, and our parents were separated. In the dream we had this one room that all of us were afraid to go into. It was a bedroom in the middle of the house, the largest one. It had a comfort room of its own and a hidden closet that contained a spiral staircase that led to the attic. If we were afraid of going into that middle room, then we were petrified of even the thought of what the attic contained. I don’t remember why we ended up going there, my siblings and I, just that I was in the very front and that they were all cowering behind my back. Then when I finally opened the door to the attic, we were surprised to find all our old toys stashed there. The floor was literally littered with toys of every kind and shape, and star, sun, and moon shaped crystal lights hung from the ceiling. The attic was so beautiful.

I woke up a few minutes later, the dream went on some more, but I’ll stop my narration there mainly because that part made me pensive.

In real life there are places or things we don’t want to get into, afraid of what they contain or what they have in store for us, maybe too afraid that we totally miss the possibly beautiful experience it could bring. I have to stop living like that.

And the thing that strikes me more is that I don’t have to enter those places alone. I may not have two brothers and a sister, cowering yet more importantly still present, behind me but I do have my family and friends. I think that’s what makes the dream more beautiful for me... that it made me appreciate yet again those people’s presence in my life.

...Wahahahah!!! Ang sappy nun! Yeech! ^^


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