Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ah bugger this! I'm supposed to be reviewing about COPD and drugs but of course I'm not heheh ^^0 instead I'm checking out the fanfiction library at I really should stop and just study but my heart's not into it *sigh*

Yes... we have duty today at Magalang, have to leave on or before 530am here so I can make the 630am departure time for our group. Then we have around an hour or so more of traveling before we reach the hospital. Gawds... just thinking about lugging all those books and paraphernalia around then having to study for a quiz makes me overly tired. I just want to curl up in bed again and sleep the whole day off. My head hurts as it is. Maybe that's why I don't feel like studying and instead am procrastinating yet again with either this blog or the dotmoon library ^^0 I really truly should just stop.


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