Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Anime Marathon

My eyes hurt. Ever since I came back from our 10-day stay in Manila, I've been doing nothing but fret about the NLE results. To get my mind off whether I passed or not, I started watching the anime series that I've been able to download before. So far, I've finished watching:

Black Lagoon. Watching this made me wanna rewatch Cowboy Bebop ^-^' Dunno. Revy and the gang were okay and all but the series didn't really sit well with me.

Gundam Wing (plus Endless Waltz, and I've even re-read Episode Zero and Battlefield of the Pacifist manga). May I just say that I understand the story and characters a heck of a lot better now compared to when I first watched it back in high school. I actually like Relena now. Well, she's still not my favorite GW character (that spot still belongs to Duo heheh ^^), but I appreciate and understand her more now. I actually found her encounters with Heero funny, as in I was chuckling ruefully at them funny, know what I mean? I'm happy that though they're not exactly together together, they at least understand (and suit) each other so well that there's hope for them truly getting together in the future.

12 Kingdoms a.k.a. Juuni Kokki / 12 Kokki / Record of 12 Countries. I adore Rakushun!!! Heheh ^____^ He's just soooooooooo cute!!! I want a plushie of him! The mouse version, that is. His human side's not bad looking but he just doesn't evoke that girlish-squealing wanna-pinch-his-cheek rub-my-nose-on-his-whiskers and just glomp him feeling that I get whenever I see that cute gray mouse ^_^ But it bothers me a great deal that the anime didn't finish Taiki's story and just left it hanging like that. I can't find the novels anywhere and I don't plan on buying them since they're in Japanese - since I can only read a few Kanji - so unless I find an English translated copy of those novels (they're novels, not manga, mind you) I'm stuck with where the anime left off haaaaaaaaaaaay...

Gundam Seed Ahh... this one had me crying, shouting, laughing, and staring-at-the-screen-helplessly speechless at certain parts. I'm just dumbstruck at the death toll of this story. Geez... it's so fricking tragic, and hope-filled at the same time. One of the better anime titles, surely. I really needn't say anything more. Although I find it nice how different the Gundam pilots are in this show compared to the GW boys. Without their Gundams, Kira and Athrun wouldn't probably last too long if forced to go against Heero, Wufei or Trowa; but in fairness they'd probably pummel the GW boys if they were to fight with their Gundams.

I was thinking of giving myself a break from all the heavy war-driven plot lines of those three series so I'm now in the middle of watching Ai Yori Aoshi, but darn... all this lovey-dovey mushy LoveHina-ish stuff is giving me a toothache and migraine. I hope the plot gets better coz I'm only at episode 8 and I already wanna switch to another title.

Thinking about watching Gundam Seed Destiny next. Or Kiddy Grade. Or Blackjack. Or Kekkaishi. Or maybe I should rewatch Fushigi Yuugi now that I finally got my hands on a copy of the 3rd OAV? There's also Mushishi... and some of the other titles Jean told me I should watch.

Waiting for a month for the result's making a couch potato out of me gaaahh... I need to get out more often, wonder if any of the girls would wanna play badminton with me? Hmmmm...


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