Thursday, October 23, 2008

Waaaah! I'm taking the NCLEX tomorrow!

Oh my god! It's tomorrow! God help me. Please, please help me pass.

*insert nervous laughter*

Okay, if you see me, I don't look panicky at all. I'm trying to keep my mind off the fact that I'm taking a $500+ exam tomorrow. To help that, I stopped reviewing since last weekend and started watching several anime series that I have stored on Genrou's harddrive. So far I've finished watching:

- until episode 21 of Saiunkoku Monogatari season 2
- School Days
- a couple of the more recent episodes of Naruto Shippuuden and Gintama
- The Third
- Ghost Hound
- and a few episodes of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori

I used to absolutely hate Gintama coz of how they started the series. Episode 1, which is an hour-long special, just really turned me off. But then I though why not keep watching the next ten episodes, give it a chance... now I'm at episode 83 and I've gotten used to the Gintama-style humor. I love the characters for their quirks, I mean where else can you find a bad-ass Shinsengumi Vice-Captain who prefers to eat anything by drowning it in mayo (and I mean drowning by emptying the entire bottle's content on a stick of dango kind of drowning)? So yes, I ended up liking Gintama lolz it grew on me i guess... it's a good pick-me-upper after watching a serious show like The Third.

Ghost Hound felt a bit rushed during the end but what a wonderful background music. Like I told Ana-nechan, if she ends up watching it she should make sure she's not alone in the room and it's light out. It's not horror. The show is a psychological/supernatural suspense and the sounds help make it so. It was just so creepy! I mean, sure the boys were going through OBE and stuff but the way they delivered it made it seem so normal, so very plausible. And that's what makes it creepy. That everything seemed so normal and yet not.

School Days... gawds. Why I chose to download and watch it I dunno anymore. At least it was just 12 episodes. I read that there was a lot of noise about the final episode and I'm not surprised. Geez what an ending. I never played the game and so I had no idea that was gonna happen. But lolz! Talk about karma. What happened to Makoto was just... on the one hand I was glad he got what he deserved, but another part of me was sad coz in that way he would never be able to learn how wrong he was and grow up. The girls were victims in entirety. Willing victims albeit, but victims nonetheless. I still can't believe how STUPID they were acting just for a single worthless idiotic boy. Ah well, it's just an anime... but in a way also a social commentary hahahah -_-0

Will be going back to watching Jigoku Shoujo now. Maybe I'll go to the mall later when it opens... do some therapy through (window) shopping ^_______^


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