Friday, August 08, 2008

Slightly numb

I passed the IELTS.

My total band score is 8.

Got 8.5 in the Listening, 8 on Reading and Writing, and a 7.5 for the Speaking test.

I passed.


I passed.

So why am I not feeling elated? Why am I not jumping around and hooting my lungs out from joy? I should be, right?

I passed.

Maybe it's coz everyone around me seemed so sure I would pass that I subconsciously just expected that outcome and now I just feel relieved. Glad that part's over, kinda thing.

Coz it is just a part. Just a step. Towards the goal of going outside the country.

Still not sure if I'd be going to Canada or the UK or New Zealand. Mom prefers the UK or New Zealand, Dad is for Canada. Got relatives based there so whichever of the three will be okay. US doesn't seem like a feasible option now. Retrogression and all... Don't really mind going to Dubai like Binky did, but Dad's adamant about me not going to any Arab countries. Bad experience working with Arabs when he went there, I guess... that and they treat women extremely differently (read: bad) or so my parents and Tito Susing say. *shrug* I'm thinking that I'm open-minded enough to handle such things but they don't want me to even try. Ah well.


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