Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Gawds... less than 3 weeks left

Okay... more like 16 days left before I have to take the NCLEX. My insides are starting to coil and twist, and it doesn't feel nice. I'm upping my water intake as well as fiber coz I usually get constipated when I'm stressed, and I want my bowel movements to be at their most normal during the test date itself.

My monthly menses didn't come in September. Yes, sigh... it skipped again. Not that I'm surprised coz I did stop drinking my pills in August. No, I'm not pregnant. Thank you very much for being concerned about that, but really... no. This skipping happens all the time and is the reason why my OB-GYN told me to drink those pills in the first place. Double sigh. It's just that I've been drinking them for more than a year now and I just wanted to check if my darned monthly has become regular. Well, it hasn't. Darn it. Add this to the stress I'm feeling with the test coming and minding Tito Toto... well, like I said, I'm not surprised it skipped.

Which means the additional 5lbs won't come off and that it'll probably add itself to the other five this October... Gah. Better keep a closer tab on what I eat and drink. Which reminds me, I had an agreement with Ana-nechan to lose a minimum of 10lbs and hopefully a max of 20lbs by the end of November. I told her it's a tall order, that heheheh, but we're both gonna try our darned best to succeed. I started a food journal. No it's not online. At least I'm still debating whether I put what I write on it online as well. Well, we'll see.

Gawds... Tita Betty is such a drama queen sometimes. I just received an SMS from her saying: "Kmusta n c Toto? Cra ang PLDT namin, hirap ako climb d stairs. Regards." She's checking in coz she hasn't gone to see Tito in around a week now and Tito Susing (her husband, Tito Toto and my mom's older bro) explicitly asked her to visit him daily. Geeeezzz... it's not like the stairs at Tito's house are so steep and hard to climb! They're actually wide enough and easy to climb even using a cane like Tito (who's suffering from hemiplegia!) does, so come on! Who the hell does she think she's fooling?! Sides, so what if her PLDT landline is busted. She lives two blocks away from here for crying out loud! She can walk the entire length of SM Pampanga without breaking sweat and she can't trudge through less than half that distance to check on Tito? B-f-in-S.

In fairness, I haven't been over since Friday last week. I asked Tita Pes for a two week off from staying over at their house and minding Tito so I can concentrate on studying (CRAMMING!) for the NCLEX. Which reminds me, I better wrap this post up and get back to studying. Waaaaahh!!! I have 16 days left!!! *panic panic panic*


At Thu Oct 16, 04:25:00 PM 2008, Blogger Louise said...

Stress lang yan! Cool lang :D


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