Saturday, January 21, 2006

Mona from FruityML posted this pic from Furuba's latest chapter, 122. It features Tohru and Kyo kissing. Yes, kissing. Well, to be accurate, Kyo was kissing a nearly unconscious Tohru who has just fallen down a cliff after an encounter with Akito and she also currently sporting a bleeding head injury. That's why Kyo's crying in the pic. Doesn't sound too good for Tohru, does it? I sooo want to know what the heck happened before this! I hadn't been following the manga religiously for some time now; I stopped downloading the scans provided by the FruityML since Chapter 112. I hope Tohru doesn't die! It would be disastrous for poor Kyo if she did die; his life's sad enough as is without the added burden of her death.


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