Monday, February 06, 2006


I particularly like Fr. Larry's homily today. He talked about the stampede at Ultra, how tragic it was that so many people died. But what was more tragic, he claimed, is that this was a picture of Filipinos, of our state as a country. That

1)this country's authorities have no system or whatever system's there is corrupt;
2)we lack discipline; and
3)there are just too many poor people because of 1 and 2.

What he said isn't news. But I think people needed to hear it to wake up. We always blame the government for every wrong thing, and never think we, our own actions, are also to blame.

Haaay... being in the hospital wards, I get to talk to our patients' S.O.s and their constant problem is a financial one. At times it's sad to see patients who are already well but couldn't go home because they don't have the money to pay for their hospital bills. Or that they couldn't be given the meds they need at the time they need it coz again they don't have enough money to buy medicines. Or have laboratory tests performed, or just to eat. It's worse when the patient is an infant; to hear the child's mother complain that she's ran out of breast milk because she hasn't eaten because they have no money to buy food and none to buy the child some milk formula... it's just really sad.

Wish I had more money to give away, to just help them all, but I don't. I don't have a job yet, I'm not earning anything since I'm just a student. So I try to do my best in studying so I'd get to find a good job that pays good money so I'd be able to not worry about my and my family's state and still be able to help others. But it still breaks my heart several times to encounter people like that, and there are just too many who are that hard up.


At Mon Feb 06, 01:55:00 AM 2006, Blogger ana said...

Just be careful that you don't fall into that messianic savior complex thingy. No one can save everyone else.


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