Thursday, February 05, 2004

February 4, 2004
Either I’m still feeling guilty about what happened last Thursday or I like that idiotic kid and I just didn’t notice it… I’ve been having these really weird, take note that they’re not romantic nor sexually related in any way okay, dreams about him. Just two actually, but two is already too much, IMO. In the most recent one, he was telling me why he uses that cartoon-related bag for school. In my dream he was telling me that he had a girlfriend who loved using that bag and she died; so in order to remember her he uses it or something like that.

This guy and I… we don’t talk to each other. What I mean is, have conversations. The longest time we exchanged words was maybe less than 30 seconds. Or make that 20 seconds. Main reason is that I can’t stand his goofiness and the vainness and his seeming lack of respect for authority and rules. I like keeping rules mainly because they make things simpler to live with and by. Of course I’m not really a stickler for rules and I’ve my share of fun times breaking them, but anyway… To see someone who likes breaking them so much, with total disregard of the consequences on himself and everyone else, irritates me. Am I just being a hypocrite? Maybe.

This is the guy I told Ana reminded me of Dennis Wesley. I like Dennis, but his real-life counterpart I can barely tolerate.


I love watching Nigella Lawson cook simply because her accent’s so wonderfully British! That and she cooks these really delicious-looking yet simple to make meals that are sufficed with so much fresh vegetables and herbs.

Problems is, some of the ingredients she uses are just too hard to find at the local markets; either that or they’re just too bloody expensive! I mean, feta cheese, at least the ones I see at the supermarket at the mall costs around 150+php at yun na yung pinakakonti. And where the hell am I gonna buy fresh mint? And all the rest of the herbs she uses? The closest I can get are the dried ones from McCormick (sp?)

Anyway, caught her show on a Jap channel today (coz we’ve got no classes again) and once again fell in love with that woman’s kitchen. Ang dami niyang gadgets for the kitchen! Astig!

Mental note: Earn enough money so I can furnish our kitchen in the same way.

February 5, 2004
*Warning: Lots of Fruits Basket spoilers*

Been reading Furuba manga translation, and just realized that Shigure’s the only character who Tohru hasn’t exactly changed yet, even after 80+ chapters. He’s still a mystery. He’s more of a mystery to me than Akito is.

Have you noticed that in the anime there wasn’t any episode about him? Yuki had his bit about his fear of Akito, Kyou of course had that true-form thing, Momiji with his telling of his family, Haru of how and why he “loves” the mouse, Hatori with Kana and spring, Ayame with his issues about his brother, Kagura and her tending-towards-violence obsession with the cat, Kisa’s issues about being bullied at school, Hiro’s love for the tiger and jealousy over the onigiri ^^, Ritsu’s lack of confidence about being alive, course Rin and Kureno weren’t in the anime so can’t really include them… but even Uotani and Hanajima had their moments.

Apart from the times Shigure was shown torturing his rather pathetic editor, Mitchan, there wasn’t really anything about him. Sure we know he’s a writer. Sure we know he loves joking around with people. But we barely get to learn about anything about his past. We know he was childhood pals with Ayame and Hatori, but apart from that, what else?

Reading the manga made me think that Shigure’s the most intriguing character in the whole story. He’s so hard to figure out. What’s he thinking behind the façade of that teasing smile? He’s a writer. Writers are ALWAYS thinking about something despite the lack of words that come out of their mouths. Or even when they’re saying something, one can’t be too sure that those words are what you may think they truly mean. Am I making sense?

Anyways, in the manga Shigure’s a lot more conniving than he seemed to be in the anime, where he just seemed like a doting and fun-loving guardian type for everyone.

Why is he so loyal to Akito? He alone among the Junishi doesn’t freeze up whenever Akito’s name is mentioned.

Oh yeah, Seika, Ana, in case you don’t know yet, Akito’s not the rooster. It’s another Sohma named Kureno… there’s an interesting story going on with him and Uotani ^^ And there’s that bit about Kazuma, Kyou’s master and adoptive father, and Hana-chan ^_^

Oh and Ana, I just realized, Hatori’s ex’s name was Kana di ba? Was watching GSaiyuki today, saw Cho Hakkai’s flashback about his dead gf… her name was Kana too! Kana minus k equals Ana! Mwehehehe ^^ And you like both Hatori and Hakkai too… hehehhe… add Trowa in and you have three guys with hairstyles that cover half their faces... hmm, maybe I should let James' hair get long? HAHAHHAHA!!!

Ei, Ana-nee, anong nangyari sayo? What’d you mean sa tinext mo? Couldn’t text back anymore coz naubusan ng load… as usual! My gosh girl, you’ve managed to make me worry!

Seika-chan! Wai! Wai! Congratz sa sale ng iyong painting! Me very proud ^^


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