Thursday, July 13, 2006

I love...

... waking up at this hour in the night. Sure it's too bleeding early, and some would just be getting their asses into bed right about now, but I've already had at least 4 hours of sleep and my head's just too clear and awake to contemplate going back to sleep again. Besides the fact that I need to finish some assignments for duty later today ^_^0 But two NCPs and 4 drug studies isn't that hard to do so here I am blogging.

It must be the training I've been getting, but it seems odd to handle just one patient again. I miss scurrying around trying to cater to toxic patients and their equally trying SOs. Not that I wish my patients are sicker than they already are, heaven forbid coz we are assigned in the pedia ward this week after all... I just wish I'd get more of a challenge coz I learn more that way.

Ahh... I need new frames for my eyeglasses.

And despite what I told Guids, I'm still having second thoughts about watching the new Superman movie. Dunno why... I'm just not that interested. But I'll try to catch it this weekend. Maybe. So far I've only heard good reviews about it from those who already watched it. So I'd probably watch it. Maybe.

Wonder how the heck I'll manage to get the next issue of Nightingale done? Right now I have ziltch on ideas and members/staffers to write any articles I can - through a miracle - hopefully come up with. Ma'am Flores suggested fun trivias, movie and book reviews, entertainment news... Dean Sicat wants it to be formal and informative... how the hell will I combine the two? What theme should we use? What format? We STILL don't have that bleeding logo I've been asking Vinnie and even Atom about for so long now... haaaaaaaaaaaay. Why the heck did Sir Farley frickin' pick me to be the EIC in the first place and why in hell's blazes did I agree I will never fathom.

I don't understand those two. They both have somebody else already but they maintain the farce of being together. The trust isn't there anymore, and they're both hiding what they really feel. Technically speaking they're both just hanging on to each other for the physical benefits, but neither of them would admit to that right now. It's kinda funny yet irritating to watch... if you know who I hang out with lately you'd understand who, to those who don't know: just leave it like that for your peace of mind.


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