Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Change of Mind


Okay. Fine. I recant what I said about Snape in my previous post. The author side of me just refuses (and is btw, throwing a huge tantrum inside my head) to agree with my unthinking-just-feel-what-the-main-character-is-feeling reader side.

I don’t hate Snape.

In fact, whenever I watch the movies I get this smirk and feeling of pride whenever Snape comes on screen. Eeek. I did not just write that…

Don’t get me wrong; he’s not exactly my most favorite character in the HPverse, but he’s near the top of the list.

Okay, fine, he’s probably in the top five. (with George and Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Oliver Wood, and... and... ah shoot! Okay, fine. He IS in the fricking top five of my cruddy list!)

Only because I like how he’s such a complex character. I think JKRowling did a splendid job creating Snape; because even though he’s so hard to like, you can’t help but do so if you consider all of his qualities and history.

I love his duplicity, how you can never be sure of what he’ll do, but know that even though he’d hate doing something that would help Harry and his friends, he’d still do it for the sake of the common good. Gah... I am not making any bloody sense!

It’s funny, no hilarious even, how he keeps Harry and all the kids he teaches on their toes. I’d have probably loved having him as my professor in Chemistry (that’s the closest subject IRL to Potions, ne?). Of course I would’ve ranted and raved against him for being a slave driver and unfair and showing favoritism, but then I still would’ve probably ranked him as one of the best professors and if asked if I’d like to have him teach me again I’d probably answer with a resounding ‘Yes! Of course, any time!’ without even batting an eyelash or considering the hard work involved.

And I love his dry sarcastic wit. And that he’s probably a genius in his own right. Heck, he IS a genius, and even Harry would agree if he wasn’t so pissed-off and in a red rage to kill Snape on sight. Severus is the Half Blood Prince, after all.

*sighs again*


Like I said, I don’t hate Snape. Okay?!

*grumbles at self*

Jeez, I fricking can’t sleep because of this?!?! I have early hospital duty tomorrow. Wait, scratch that. Today! Darn it! Can you believe I actually got up from bed just to type this stupid post?! Yeeesh…


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