Friday, August 01, 2003

I just had a rather weird dream. Weird coz it had the F4 in it (minus Lei). They were the F4 in MG not the boy band. I was apparently their schoolmate or whatever. Dunno. In the dream it felt like I knew them quite well; like I’ve been friends with them for a long while. I remember laughing inside at how Dao seems pissed but actually was nagtatampo coz Shan Cai left town for a family vacation and hindi sya kasama; Mei Zhou’s just as kenkoy as ever just like in the show, he’s teasing Dao about the whole not being ale to find Shan Cai bit; XiMen, I remember, was rather surly, I somehow was able to make him tell me what it was that was bothering him. Seems even my dream self likes him best among the F4 ^^0 coz I remember feeling a blush come out when he suddenly took my hand and asked me out on a date for the next day. I think that’s when I woke up *sweatdrop*

Hmmm… does this mean I’m actually obsessing about the F4 and I just don’t wanna admit it?

Oh well, I still like My MVP Valentine’s plotline better. It’s just that mas gwapo kasi yung F4 e hehehhe ^_____^


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