Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ahoy, MatesI

As you can probably guess I have already watched Pirates of the Carribean 2: Dead Man's Chest; told you I'd watch it first chance I'd get ^_^ Went to the mall yesterday, towing my not-so-light laptop coz I brought it to school to work on the thesis, then around lunchtime went inside the movie theater and just parked my ass on that seat for around six hours coz I didn't wanna leave.

I watched it twice!!! And I still kept on finding it funny even while watching it a second time ^_^0

I love love love Jack Sparrow!

But I have one gripe about the movie... waaaaaaaaaaaaahhh putaragisan bakit BITIN?!?!?!?!?

I want the third movie NOW! As in NOW, TODAY, THIS VERY MINUTE!!! Someone please tell me they're not gonna take another couple of years before the third one?! Coz there were just soooooo many unresolved issues!

1) What happened to Jack? I refuse to think that that man's dead just because he stepped into the mouth of that blasted oversized octupus from hell. If I were the writter I would NOT in any way kill off such a strong, hilarious, mysterious, gawds-can-I-just-keep-him-for-myself intriguing character.

2)Will seeing Elizabeth and Jack kiss. Aw come on, don't tell me you guys didn't see this coming from the first movie? Come to think of it, Jack's pretty much open about how he feels and thinks when it's Elizabeth he's talking to.

3)Norrington (that pathetic SOB) taking the heart and giving it to that equally rotten as hell can-I-just-step-on-screen-for-a-minute-so-I-can-slit-his-throat-and-be-done-with-him villian whose name I don't remember and don't wish to know from the East India Company. But isn't what's his name that guy who wanted to court Lizzie in Pride and Prejudice? Their cousin or something?

4)How in hell's blazes did Barbossa get back from the dead? Ooops... was that too much of a spoiler? Then again if you've read this far I bet you're thinking the first 3 are enough just to spoil the movie, ne? Ok, here's another one...

5)How will William save Bootstrap? Is it just me or do you also think that Jones's crew all look like... well... a collection of trash?

I don't need to tell you guys to watch it, most of you probably already have or are already planning to, but watch it if you're planning to pass it up coz it's just too great and funny to pass up.

Oh... and I didn't watch Superman anymore. By the time I got out of the theater where they were showing Pirates my eyes had already become so sore that I felt a headache starting (from looking at the screen too long plus I skipped lunch) so I ended up not going anymore. Dunno why I'm not that keen about watching it. Maybe one Friday... maybe.


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