In a bit I'll be going to the rally against PELCO III, started by our local parish priest and supported by the mayors of the six towns (Apalit, San Simon, Macabebe, Minalin, Masantol, and San Luis, all in the province of Pampanga) supplied by the said company.
Three Sundays ago, Fr. Larry Sarmiento complained about the overly increased price of the electric bill he gets monthly after his homily. From 8000/month during the last several months before June'07, his bill for last month turned to 31,000. Then a week later, the power company (PELCO III) sent him another bill statement for 23,000 for the same month. No explanations whatsoever why the fee lowered suddenly. Fr. Sarmiento's case is just one among many similar cases all around our town and the other 5 towns supplied by PELCO III. Fr. Sarmiento knows of a family who only consumes 200+ every month have their bill turn to 1200 last June then recharged back to 200 for the same month with no explanations given.
We've been victimized as well. Our electric bill several months back started to increase from 2000+/month to last month's 6000+php. We haven't increased our energy consumption in the least. We've used the same appliances for less time duration coz we were trying to lessen our electricity bill to no avail. I read last month's bill, saw that with the system loss (and its VAT) is around 1000+ alone, add their other operational fees and you get around 2000+ added to your monthly fee. If we're charged for only what we consume our bill would only be around 2000-2500php. Then since this protest started, our July bill came two days ago with only 3000+ for our electric bill. Same thing happened to our relatives and other home owners.
The company changed administration a few months back. Most of the employees who live in Apalit were dismissed and new non-Apalitenos were hired from Manila. That's all I know about the situation for now. I don't know all the issues so I'm going to the rally. I can hear the sound system being checked from my room at home. It's getting really loud. The PELCO III office is just a few minutes walk from here. Wonder how many people will go? I'm hoping everyone turns out and supports the rally. It's not everyday that a rally supported by the Church and government churns out. I feel kinda gleeful about it heheh ^_^ I'll add more about this later when I get back.